Clear Skin All The Time!

Clear Skin All The Time!

What would you say if I told you that you can have clear acne-free skin all the time? You can! Only one catch! You cannot forget your steps or just be too lazy to do them. I know some days are just too long and exhausting, but wash your face correctly, before you sleep 8 hours with oil and sweat still on your face 😳! That will not get you where you want to be. Trust me. I know, I'm guilty of this. Here are some steps that if you always do will keep your skin clear.
Step # 1 Wash your face with our natural green tea goat milk soap every night before bed. One side of this soap is scrubby infused with green tea herbs and one is smooth. This bar is incredible. It is made with all-natural ingredients and it contains tea tree essential oil that has been known to fight acne and bacteria like no other oil can!
Step # 2 Always moisturize after washing your face super good. Moisturizing your skin fights wrinkles and helps with dark spots. We have 3 amazing natural lotions you should use and even if you don't choose ours' make sure you choose another natural lotion. Any unnatural commercial lotion will just tear the top layer of your skin cells up.
Step # 3 Pour a little witch hazel on a cotton ball and rub your face every morning to get any access oils from your pillowcase while sleeping. Witch hazel is natural derived from the witch hazel plant. It has been known to help heal skin, lighten dark spots, and fight aging. It will always help clean and minimize your pores.

This little 3 step regimen if done regularly will give results you will love.
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